:33 < click any stamp to begin!


jenny/nepeta (kin names ok!)
some people call me jenpeta!
i'm an adult (20) and an alter in a DID system!
i'm a femme nb lesbian! she/her, but they/them is ok!

i kin spiritually! doubles are ok! i also selfship!

click any image to continue!

do not interact

* general criteria (terf, map, etc)

* trumed, anti-mogai, anti-hesbian

* say "sysmed" or "traumascum"

* proship, anti-anti

* anti-fictionkin, pro-factkin

(if you need more clarification on the general criteria, please check my tumblr dni!)

click any stamp for extra pages!

the image leads to the start page! the buttons are extra pages!

kin list!

* nepeta leijon (homestuck)* futaba sakura (persona 5)
oops! that's only two characters!!
i'm so sorry, i don't have any more right now! check back later!

click the image to return to the extras page!

cc list!

self ships:
* arashi narukami (enstars)* hatsune miku (vocaloid)* roxy lalonde (homestuck)* fem!akechi (persona 5)* karin asaka (llpdp)* kaoru seta (bandori)
other ccs:

* ren amamiya (persona 5)
* ann takamaki (persona 5)* eriko kirishima (persona)* like... everyone (homestuck)* like... everyone (llpdp)* chiaki nanami (sdr2)* mikan tsumiki (sdr2)* angie yonaga (ndrv3)
click the image to return to the extras page!

fun facts!

* my favorite color is pink!* i'm 6 ft in headspace!* i eat kiwis with the shell!* i am autdhd, among other things!* i like to make nightcores!
(ask me about microorganism nightcore the unforgiven smaller.mp4!)

open to trivia suggestions!
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